Business tips

How to attract your dream clients - even if you have more than one niche!

How to attract your dream clients - even if you have more than one niche!

Do you ever wonder if who you’re attracting IS actually your ideal client?

In Annika’s most recent launch, she hosted a live webinar that lead to an offer for the membership program, and while she did get some new clients (👏👏👏), something was missing that kept her audience from taking action.

After digging a little deeper, we realized that the “problem” Annika is facing is that she actually has 3 ideal client profiles that slightly differ from each other...

Facebook Groups: how to use them to grow your blog or business.

Facebook Groups: how to use them to grow your blog or business.

Joining relevant Facebook Groups is a fantastic way to connect with other people in your industry, to grow your blog or business and even snag new clients. Here's the thing, though: Facebook Groups can also feel overwhelming and intimidating...

The power of positive thinking, or how to think yourself successful.

The power of positive thinking, or how to think yourself successful.

"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind." - Buddha.

I don't quite remember when my "obsession" with New York City started (well, it might have been around the time "Sex and the City" came out...). The first time I came to NYC is almost 10 years ago...