The secret to standing out on Instagram

Have you noticed how everyone seems to be a blogger/influencer/online entrepreneur these days?

With over 1 billion active users, I think we're all feeling the "competition" on Instagram, getting likes and comments isn't as easy as it used to be, and that's not just because of the algorithm - there are just so many more accounts fighting for that engagement...

So what can YOU do to stand out?

How can you attract the attention of your followers?

How can you differentiate yourself and attract your dream brands/clients?

I have invited Mariska from @mychefsapron, the winner of the "Spread The Love Ambassador" contest we ran in June this year (if you missed it you can check out the free training on how to become an influencer and get paid to post here).

We talked about:

  • How to stand out online

  • How to deal with "comparasonitis"

  • The behind the scenes of winning the Spread The Love Ambassadorship

  • Mariska's experience of publishing her own cookbook and using Instagram to grow her brand and business

Sound like something you're interested in?

Check out the video below:

Connect with Mariska on Instagram: @mychefsapron

Read her blog: